Business Vulnerability

With all of the news coverage of terrible violence in public places, it’s no wonder some businesses are asking: “Could we be vulnerable?”  
Not all businesses and types of facilities face the same level of risk, of course.
But practically every business should take a look at their security measures and address vulnerabilities if necessary.
Here’s proof that investing in security can boost employee satisfaction: A recent survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that nearly half (48%) of employees say that “feeling safe” affects their job satisfaction.
Female employees ranked security higher than males. And workers with only high school degrees who work with the public or in traditional blue-collar jobs ranked security and safety higher than those with post-graduate college degrees.

Most firms hit the mark

The good news? Seventy-eight percent of workers say they’re “generally satisfied” with their level of personal safety in their current workplace.
Would you bet that your employees are among that 78% majority?
You may want to find out for sure. Consider surveying people about your facility’s security measures and what kinds of improvements they might want.